The content of the ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU Internet site is protected by the applicable intellectual property law. The information published on these pages is subject to the laws in force in Spain. All rights not explicitly granted are reserved. It is prohibited to reproduce them in part or in full in a way of representing, transferring, selling or taking, without the prior written approval of ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU. Failure to comply with this prohibition may have criminal and civil consequences.

Access restrictions, applicable law and competent courts.

The ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU Internet site does not constitute an offer for illicit use of the website, nor an invitation to anyone or by anyone, in any territory in which such offer is illegal or for which the person issuing such offer or invitation is not enabled to do so.

Application restrictions

The content of this Internet site is solely intended to provide the user with general information related to the services offered by ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU. The information contained on this site constitutes an offer or invitation to purchase the specified products, with advertising and a truthful description of health products. and related.

Available information

This Internet page may contain information provided by external companies or may have automatic links to third-party Internet sites. The contents of these web pages made available are intended exclusively for informational purposes. ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU does not give any guarantee regarding the accessibility, accuracy, reliability, updating or content of all web pages made available. In this regard, ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU does not assume any responsibility. You access third-party Internet sites linked to our site at your own risk.

On the other hand, ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU cannot give any guarantee regarding the completeness of the information published on this site. ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU does not assume any responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of any information provided.

By making a written request, you can have access to the consultation, and if necessary, the modification of your personal data maintained by ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU (see: Website privacy policy).

by ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU ensures the protection of your privacy when processing your personal data. ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU processes your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and in accordance with the following principles:

  1. Data Protection

Data privacy is an important issue for ELISSEO COSMETICS SLU. Your personal information is treated with strict confidentiality and in accordance with current data protection legislation (RGPD-LOPDGDD-LSSI). Protecting your privacy and data against unauthorized access by third parties, loss or misuse is a priority for us.

  1. Responsible entity and contact information:

The person responsible for data processing is the following:



If you have any questions, please contact our data protection officer at the following email address: or DPO . It is at your disposal for any request, suggestion or claim you may have or you can go to the competent authority AEPD.

  1. Use and transmission of personal data limited to specific purposes

Your data is used only for the purpose specified at the time of collection, for which you have given your consent, or this is inferred from a legal provision. We oblige our employees to maintain the corresponding confidentiality, to comply with data protection legislation and, in cases related to banking services, to maintain due banking secrecy.

  1. Personal data management

All information about an identified or identifiable natural person will be considered personal data. An identifiable natural person is any person whose identity can be determined, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, email address or telephone number. Data that has been anonymized or aggregated and, therefore, cannot be used to identify a natural person will not be considered personal data. “Processing” shall be understood as any handling of personal data, regardless of the means and procedures used for this purpose, including, specifically, the acquisition, retention, use, alteration, communication, archiving or destruction of such data.

  1. Server log files

This entity uses a web server to capture data related to your visit to the website. This data may include information relating to:

-the name of the website you have accessed

-the file name

-the date and time of your visit

-the volume of data transmitted

-notification that access has occurred

-the type and version of your browser

-your operating system

-the URL address of the website from which it is accessed

-the IP address and the requesting provider.

The entity uses the recorded data solely for analytical purposes to ensure the functioning and security of its IT systems and to optimize the website, within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of the GDPR, as well as to provide you with information at all times. Secure and seamless user experience. However, the entity reserves the right to verify, at a later time, the recorded data in case it has specific reasons to suspect that improper use of the website has occurred. The log files of the web servers will be deleted within 30 days at most.

  1. Data security

Please note that the Internet is a global and open network. When you transmit your data over the Internet, you do so at your own risk.

Any personal data you transmit is protected by the latest encryption mechanisms, using the latest security standards (secure socket layer). Although numerous technical and organizational security measures are adopted, data can be lost, intercepted by unauthorized persons and/or manipulated. The pharmacy has implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent such situations from occurring within its systems. However, your computer is outside the reach of the pharmacy's IT security measures. Therefore, it is your responsibility, as a user, to obtain the corresponding information on the necessary safety precautions and to adopt appropriate measures for this purpose. In no case will the pharmacy be responsible for any damages that may arise from the loss or manipulation of data.